
A critical account of what money does to humanity is presented. It is suggested that money is the very driving impetus that either triggers or accentuates practically every kind of low consciousness traits in humanity such as envy, greed, competition, jealousy, egotism, false pride, apathy, etc., which create selfishness and separatism under the disguise of need for survivability. It is further explicated that money provides the very chain or noose for enslavement into a lifestyle or paradigm of reality that employs it as its most prominent instrument for extraction, and therefore, depletion/consumption of the divine energies of man. It is further clarified that it is a scheme by which the reality of humanity bondage has taken place or reaffirmed, particularly in the recent centuries, culminating in its full realization in the current age in which we strive to survive as kept prisoners of a soul-less specie of synthetic aliens who are themselves deprived of rejuvenation in light for their subsistence. 

  • Know that God is benevolent and most gracious.Man's yearning for God within
  • You were not created to live in fear or anxiety.anxiety
  • Neither fear nor anxiety accomplish anything fruitful.Fear
  • They are futile to man and could conceivably only drain energy without any good outcome for humanity.
  • They are most harmful to man’s aura and energetic system and could serve a purpose only if a parasitic energy vampire would need to feast upon one’s energies and nothing more.Human Aura - new science
  • You know of mosquitoes, leaches, and such that exist and thrive upon the blood of others.
  • They do that by the necessity of survival to prey upon others.
  • Such is the low dimensional consciousness of the 3-D earth wild life biological system.
  • Eat and be eaten.
  • Kill and be killed.
  • But, even as it sounds cruel to the higher consciousness of man, it is purposeful and it is functional.
  • Animals incarnate on 3-D earth to experience this bio-system and live for only a short designated time.
  • They mostly find themselves in a transitory state, ‘in’ and ‘out,’ to reincarnate back again, and undergo through this cycle of life so that they would live and learn slowly, as would commensurate with their state of consciousness.
  • But man is already sentient.
  • He/she can think and he can decipher.
  • He/she comes intact with the Will Power.
  • He/she has the power of creation and he/she has an essence of divinity.
  • He/she lives by intent and has a power of intuition, capable of linking to and joining with an even much higher source of consciousness, which we refer to as the HIGHERSELF.
  • To set one’s intent to anxiety and fear, only achieves agony, and energetic auric bleeding, and thus would not serve any purpose.
  • So, are all other low consciousness traits such as rage, fury, or anger, prejudice, and hate, only result in mutual conflict with the mankind, which is ironically the own kind or specie {1}.RageangerPrejudiceSelf-Hatred
  • Similar, are the traits of competition, jealousy, and greed, which serve no purpose but to aggravate, and lead to chaos and disharmony with the own kind.
  • Of particular noteworthy for self-reflection and discovery for man, is the futility of the concept of money with its requisite false sense of evaluation that culminates in greed.Competition

    materialism - greed
  • The voracious appetite for accumulation governed with the sense of apathy for others is in concert and alignment with vanity and selfishness, which in turn, originally germinated from the sense of ‘Separation’ from one’s HIGHERSELF and from God.egotism - separatism 1
  • The isolated sense of being that results from apathy, selfishness, and conflict with others is a compelling impetus to become vane, and to seek superiority over one’s own kind.
  • Isolation without any sense of spirituality leads to self-insecurity, deep discontentment with SELF, and depression, which leads humanity to a state of suspended animation in the ‘void’ that craves the logic behind life and existence.
  • Therefore, one seeks to remedy the lack of sense of self-worth with accumulation of ‘things,’ and materialism, as well as apathetic greed to rob others from their money and possessions.Lust
  • Equally pathetic is a sense of self-grandization and achievement through building empires in order to attract the attention of others with awe and envy in order to establish a sense of false distinction from others.
  • Although still not deeply self-satisfying, this false and artificially built sense of self-grandization is, in essence, nothing but a ‘security blanket’ to calm and comfort the egotistical and the conceited.egotism - victim consciousnessegotism - judgmental
  • This phenomenon of false sense of self-security often manifests itself in these individuals that after cheating and robbing others culminating in their building empires, they come to a rude awakening that SELF wants or advocates something much more.
  • With a modicum effort and self-reflection, they suddenly see themselves to want to be recognized as benevolent, charitable, and Good Samaritan.
  • So, they embark on forming charitable non-profit foundations, setting up grants and endowments in their own names, or by giving alms to the poor and the needy.
  • Apart from pure vanity, or further mass deception, or taking advantages of tax benefit write offs, could it be that deep down there is good in ALL?
  • Could it be that through even small self-reflection, they finally realize that we are really much more, better, and more divine than they initially envisaged?
  • The author is under the strong belief that there is, indeed, good in ALL.
  • It may be true that greed, selfishness, apathy, and isolation dumbs the senses so they may not be able to fully appreciate the joy and satisfaction of compassion and unconditional love, however, it is clear that there still is a sense of ‘good’ and as sense of ‘right’ that compels them to set their intent on such benevolent or charitable endeavors.
  • We are ALL, indeed, divine, and ‘special’ as the units of consciousness germinating from the Prime Creator.our creation-metaphysics
  • The fundamental problem is that humanity has become highly isolated from SELF that has developed amnesia leading to self-insecurity, lack of self-worth, seeking artificially programmed and imposed stimuli to strive to seek relief by relentlessly chasing the ‘buck!’
  • First of all, it needs to be fully realized that one does not need much to live or even ‘survive.’Survivability Illusion
  • The poverty is, indeed, in the lack of morality, and in the mind state ingrained in man.
  • And, this has been implanted carefully by creatures that benefit from preying upon our divine energies.
  • The demons are, indeed, real.Life without Light
  • They are stealth, and they hide in a dimension just outside our own.
  • Their success lies in the strategy of remaining stealth, and through dissemination of misinformation and disinformation.
  • They work in utter secrecy, through subliminal messaging, and through mass deception.
  • They have relied in millennia on impulses and stimuli that they carefully and purposefully implanted in man’s present state of biology and genetics.
  • In particular, fear and anxiety, are abnormal to a true man, and unless they are controlled through knowledge, discipline, and proper faith, mankind is rendered helpless, disarmed, and doomed to suffer and agonize serving as energetic ‘cow’ to be preyed upon in a farm-like prison that is our earth.
  • The key strategy to freedom is to REMEMBER and to refuse to play the GAME, the game being is the game of money and greed that unfortunately presently dominates man’s existence on the planet.
  • Imagine what would happen when you would put vanity aside and REFUSE TO BUY.
  • Fight against materialism and fight with might and vigor.
  • Be a beacon of light to others and set an example as a high consciousness being, and not one mesmerized and plagued with consumerism.
  • The matrix that contains you operates with a software program of reality [your current reality] that preys upon you by promoting greed and through accentuating impulses that drive you to desperately fulfill futile desires that do not serve even vanity.
  • They starve you with hunger, adding to lack of self-worth based upon the false doctrine that you are deprived and you cannot afford.
  • And, the minute you try to feed this hunger by subscribing to the impulses of consumerism in order to satisfy the fever of materialism, the pain has not yet stopped when you are suddenly confronted by more choices facilitated by ‘sales’ and easy credit.
  • And, how exactly do you think the whole voracious craving was triggered? Through the advent of introducing digital money based upon non-existing collateral or any backing by the Federal Reserve Bank and your Banker-Masters, through advertising and wetting your appetite offering you, “buy now – pay later.”
  • This is how you went under the colossal burden of debt, with no light in the horizon to ever pay off your commitments or ‘liabilities.’
  • Ask yourself what is the average accountability of a family or an individual to pay off the balance on their [multiple] credit cards.
  • And, ask yourself how much of the total balance resulted from late fees, penalties, and interests.
  • Furthermore, recall in the first place, what you exactly bought, accumulating such debt.
  • More importantly, how many families or individuals ‘own’ their homes outright without any mortgage debt.
  • If you did manage to acquire some equity in your home or other real estate investment properties, what happened in terms of artificial evaluation placed upon your property?
  • Did your property suddenly lost it “value” without any fault of your own, being blamed on the bad state of economy?
  • Or was is devalued deliberately and artificially through a system that serves itself and itself only?
  • During the 2007-2008 real estate financial meltdown, if you were an investor, developer, or simply had mortgaged some property, the banks suddenly called up their ‘balloon notes’ to strengthen their books in fear of being gobbled up by the bigger banks owned by your masters.
  • And, what is disturbing that most probably you had not missed a single mortgage payment or defaulted anything, except having had to renew your mortgage balloon.
  • If you were well off and possibly a member of the so called ‘private banking’ customers, the bank probably treated you very casually not even bothering to promptly demanding a signature from you on your renewed mortgage balloon note.
  • You were probably casually approached sometimes after the balloon had expired to re-sign the new papers under the assumption that you are a good [high net worth] customer, an individual who has good credits, one who has paid every installment right on time [through automatic direct-pay], and there would not have been a cause for concern by bank to have your balloon mortgage possibly ever not renewed.
  • You had to diligently keep track of everything and promptly pester them to refresh the documents.
  • This, indeed, happened to countless “high net worth” [not really] consumers owning investment properties and to developers and builders.
  • You might have been suddenly confronted with the burden to pay off your loan immediately because your balloon note either had already come “due” [without notification by bank or your knowledge] or was soon to expire.
  • What is more ironic that suddenly you found yourself in a ‘sink hole’ not being able to re-finance because the federal bank was no longer issuing any credits to any banks and no money was offered for financing, and instead, smaller banks were desperately cashing in their balloons to fortify their reserves in fear of survival.
  • And, suddenly you came face to face with the shocking scenario that your property was now devalued to about ½ of its original value [with commercial lands being abruptly devalued to as much as 15-20% of their initial value weeks ago].
  • Thus is the nature of ‘logic’ and thus is the state of justice on the planet earth, presently.
  • Many banks did fall and were gobbled down by the larger banks who are the instruments, and are owned by your prisoners and oppressors.
  • It was done with malevolent intent and a great purpose serving the banker’s interests, who are in turn, the hordes of executioners and the puppets of your energetic vampiric parasites.
  • First of all, it achieved more control for your oppressors by dispensing with the middle man, the lower banks.
  • Secondly, the ownership of the very same lands that were financed to greedy prospectors and speculators [the members of your own specie] did eventually end by to themselves, the bankers and their masters.
  • At the same time by putting the burden of debt on general public and tax payers, they tightened the reign of control and slavery even further, with virtually endless encumbrance being imposed upon public for generations to come to try to keep up with the interest payments on the loans alone, never mind about the principal “debts.”
  • Such as slavery. Such as control.
  • It is stealth, devised by a pack of evil doers who know nothing of compassion, love or even justice.
  • They are forever envy of your divine heritage as beings of light, which due to their synthetic and soul-less existence, they can never benefit from or thrive upon.
  • So, in order to feed, they need to resort to parasitic undertakings.
  • And, the engine of such soul-less energetic consumption is to incite fear, anxiety, rage, conflict, war, and all other low-chakra energetic trends such as greed, envy, etc.
  • So, the strategy is to resort to creating Separatism and to accentuate apathetic urges of selfishness, greed, materialism, and vanity, which are all accommodated through enslavement in form of desire for money, its consumption, and accumulation.
  • And, as was indicated before, this false sense of accomplishment perpetrated by having acquired money leads to fictional sense of distinction and having superiority over other members of the fellow man.
  • So, how could you possibly remedy the problem of being imprisoned in an artificial matrix of reality designed by your captors?
  • What happens if you suddenly say NO to consumerism, to easy credit, to the calamity of credit cards, and any other loans?
  • After there is no back up for such artificial or made-believe money.
  • It is all digital and its only collateral is your own honorable “promise to pay” that forms the basis for obtaining more credit to lend by the banks from the Federal Reserve Bank.
  • There is no money being exchanged between the lower banks and the bank of the masters.
  • In order to obtain credit the lower banks must procure more ‘notes’ and the ‘promise to pay’ issued by you at the cost of your labor to repay all interests and their arbitrary trumped ‘charge’ in addition to the original loan amount.
  • You must conform to the terms of your ‘promise to pay’ or you will be severely punished and penalized, through an “acceleration clause,” losing all that are purportedly registered in your name, all that you have worked for during your entire life.
  • No one gets rich through hard work, diligence, superior knowledge, even luck.
  • You must be ruthless and you must relentlessly chase the ‘buck’ through over-charging, dishonesty, treachery, trickery, mass deception, which are the tools of trade of your masters and oppressors.
  • In fact, you will find out soon that it is the way of existence and survival on this planet if you want to stay in the game.
  • It is a choice made by many individuals, which is ultimately vain and deterrent to the expansion of the consciousness of humanity at large, which only leads to fortifying the chain of bondage, utilized by your captors against you decades after decades, centuries after centuries, and if not properly tussled, millennia after millennia through repeated reincarnations.
  • It is clearly evident that the entire infrastructure of our society is closely taken over and manipulated by the corporate structure.
  • First it was the food industry, then pharmaceutical industry, recently medicine, and even our educational system
  • The idea was to cut off the ties between the local farmers and the public.
  • Even a grain-producing farmer or one engaged in the business of livestock or dairy industry found himself confronted by the necessity of buying grocery from national [or international] super markets.
  • The farm product, being dairy/milk or meat/butchered livestock or wheat/any sort of grain was immediately taken away far far distances, out of reach of the local public, as soon as it was harvested locally.
  • Furthermore, the farmer was expressly told to dispense with local entrepreneurship, and was even forbidden to do so or would become out-casted and left alone to suffer.
  • Ironically, grains were outpoured in the oceans thus depriving the masses all over the world to starve and suffer in order to effectively control the masses through monopoly and global domination.
  • First the chemical industry was taken over by the monopoly and corporate structure and then followed the pharmaceutical industry, trailed with others.
  • The most noble of professions – that of education and healthcare, are now grossly monopolized by the government.
  • Few people can now afford carrying health insurance or even paying their co-payments ruthlessly imposed by the new wave of insurance companies, controlled by the government [Medicare, Obamacare, etc.].
  • Medical doctors used to thrive and were highly respected at one time for their prosperity and distinction.
  • Now they are lucky if they are even paid for their services.
  • First, their fee allowance were drastically cut.
  • Now a physician is typically allowed only 20-25% of his/her fees awarded in the 90’s.
  • What is more pathetic is that constantly physicians are denied compensation for their office visits and especially surgical procedures.
  • The author was a medical executive [also husband of his late wife who was an ophthalmic surgeon and passed on in February 2014].
  • A couple of patients who were employed by major insurance firms volunteered the information that as insurance adjusters they were told to deny physician’s billings systematically for at least three times before paying them.
  • The author classified at least 15 different schemes that insurance companies malevolently and fraudulently would use in order to either pointlessly deny a claim or undercut it without any reasons and in some cases in a hidden fashion that would require astute research and deductive reasoning to decipher by an ordinary claim biller.
  • And, the innovativeness of the insurance companies to ‘cheat’ the physician would not seize.
  • Every day is getting harder and harder to collect from the insurance companies for services rendered well in advance lovingly and in the most professional fashion according to their own contracts with the physicians.
  • The author was witness to countless cases that were randomly ‘denied’ for payment that they not make sense at all for the simple reasoning that for two patients who received the same care by way of surgery, etc., one would get accepted and the other would be denied, while both patients had the same insurance policy with the carrier.
  • What is more, the same would happen at another time, this time with the patients switched/interchanged.
  • So, there was no logical explanation whatsoever for what was transpiring.
  • And, when you would call the insurance company for an explanation, first of all they would make you wait from 45 minutes to more than 2 hours on the phone by either putting you on hold or switching you to someone else to deal with the problem.
  • So, what it comes to is that the physician would have to invest much more resources, in terms of both time and compensation to billing staff, to receive the same reimbursement or less from the insurance companies.
  • And, the situation is not better handled if the physician would bill through a third party billing company.
  • Not only that this process would ultimately be more expensive and would take more time, and the results would even be more disastrous.
  • Under such circumstances, the outcome would be such that not only the physician would ultimately not be compensated for the services completed far in advance [they all have strict rules that they can deny if the procedure was not processed within an unreasonable time that is getting worse as the time goes by], they would end up even losing money for the services rendered.
  • And, all this occurs because they want to put the private physician out of business.
  • This is why the insurance companies now consistently form big corporation employing a large number of physicians.
  • The physicians no longer can afford to stay in private business, not even by forming a small partnership comprised of a few physician [2-4].
  • And, the irony is that these corporations ultimately bill their own subsidiaries, ultimately undercutting the public patients.
  • This is why the medical insurance have escalated to the proverbial ‘above the roof,’ and why the average person cannot afford a medical insurance.
  • And, even if you could pay the ungodly premiums, you would have pay exorbitant fees for “co-pay,” or as “deductibles.”
  • And, the nightmare does not end with medical or any other type of insurance whose many distinct classifications are only increasing by time [e.g., home versus, hurricane, versus flood, etc.].
  • The average man also cannot afford higher education these days.
  • To start with, the cost of tuition, as well texts, etc. has skyrocketed within the past two decades, even for public state schools.
  • Residency exemption is a thing of the past, and you could be denied the ‘resident status’ if you or your parents left a particular State for any length of time you or they could not help.
  • The truth of the matter is that nowadays none can practically afford to even ‘live.’
  • Once you pay all your taxes [federal, state, city/county, property, sales, etc.], insurance [medical, dental, various property insurance, auto, etc.], rent or mortgage, educational and other kinds of interest loans, utilities, grocery bills, etc., etc., there is never anything else is left.
  • A large percentage of population carry two or three jobs, often working late hours, and working on weekends to try to ‘make ends meet.’
  • In fact, for most, it is a lot of hard work and efforts to just try to ‘exist’ or stay afloat.
  • And, in the process, the population mass is under severe pressure, often experiencing intense anxiety and fear for survival.
  • And, it is carefully designed to be so.
  • And, the average man is pre-programmed to anticipate anxiety and fear.
  • And, fear, envy, and such low-chakra traits are the norm for the average man.
  • You either join the band wagon of deceit to compete with your fellow man in order to feel ‘privileged’ or superior to the unfortunate many.
  • And, the latter is consistent with the philosophy of existence of your jailers, and oppressors.
  • So, say NO to all that would serve to collapse the matrix of imprisonment.
  • It only functions with YOU as its instrument.
  • And, there are others who have and control the ‘remote’ in hands.Let Go - Be Free of all Low-Chakra Traitsfailure materialism - free spiritdness

1. https://humanphysiologyandenergetic.wordpress.com/2015/05/03/the-effects-of-inter-personal-communications-and-behavior-on-auric-integrity-by-mohsen-paul-sarfarazi-ph-d/ 

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