
It is proposed that there are at least two separate components to the soul: the ‘consciousness instigator’ and the ‘bookkeeper.’ While the former animates the body, the latter serves as a storage device interacting with the DNA/RNA structure of the physical body. It is further elucidated that it is the physical component of the soul that always remains with the body, even after death. Furthermore, it is suggested that there is a symbiotic relation between these two components of the soul that must be severed before the soul can reincarnate again, or ‘move on’ to alternate endeavors. The possible paths pertinent to the journey of soul in the afterlife, and the questions as to where and how they may occur are addressed in a companion paper by the author [1].  It is proposed by the author, herein, that cremation [as opposed to burial] may be an intelligent, viable way to treat the deceased body upon physical death. It serves as to ‘free up’ the soul via chemical disintegration of the DNA/RNA structure of the incarnate body.

The Body, Soul, and the Spirit

science and metaphysics

  • A soul is an etheric entity that lives perpetually outside the continuum of time and space and the holographic matrix of physicality within the omnipotent cosmos [2].our creation-metaphysics
  • It is an energetic body that serves as a storage device as well as a CPU that keeps a track of all the experiential endeavors of the spirit.soul-hard drive
  • The spirit is of the SOURCE, and is of pure consciousness that vitalizes and sets into dynamic motion all “living” things that thrive in the cosmos.beginning of creation- metaphysics
  • The spirit is a constituent part of that omnipotent SOURCE of energy that is the original progenitor responsible for creation of ALL THAT THERE IS, which we refer to as the Prime Creator.beginning of creation- metaphysics 2
  • Spirit is utterly void of constitution that lives as pure consciousness energy.
  • This is commonly referred to as “ether” in the metaphysics.beginning of creation- metaphysics 3
  • On the other hand, the soul is composed of ‘antimatter,’ which is totally stealth from detection by the 5 sensory perceptive sensations indigenous to 3-D physicality.soul is super-material revised
  • Contrary to common interpretation, the term ‘antimatter’ should not be confused as to infer that it acts “against” or is “opposite” to matter as to insinuate that its infusion upon matter leads to matter annihilation [3].life progression - metaphysics
  • By contrast, antimatter commonly interacts with matter to set free a form of energy referred to as the ‘zero point energy’ to breathe ‘life’ into matter and convert the inanimate into animate [4].spirit mind soul
  • In this regard, as an impression of spirit, the soul also serves as an excitation device that sets the inanimate into vibrational motion [5].

Coming to Life, Vibration, and Consciousness

  • The exact mechanism by which ‘vibration,’ ‘animation,’ or ‘coming to life’ accomplished is through the process of resonance that initiates with the beating of the heart of the incarnate body [6].
  • Like ALL THINGS, the 3-D carbon-based biological body has an inherent characteristic that is referred to as the ‘natural frequency of vibration’ [7-8].Single Consciousness vs Animation
  • The etheric soul is capable of fragmenting itself as to create copies of itself in a holographic form that contains all its inherent characteristics.Fragmentation of Soul to SELVES revised
  • Due to fragmentation, the energy of the soul splits into constituents known as ‘soul aspects’ with ‘reduced’ natural frequencies or vibrational components that match the inherent natural frequencies of the very physiological vessels in which the soul is to ‘incarnate’ within [9].
  • The process of ‘life’ first initiates with ‘beating’ of the heart of the incarnate body when the natural frequency of the soul constituent approaches a domain that contains the exact natural frequency of the physiological body of the soul incarnate [10]
  • As this process is fine-tuned and the frequency of a segmented soul matches the natural frequency of the biological body in which the soul aspect incarnates, the process of resonance occurs and sets the incarnate body to vibrate in that particular continuum of time and space.

The Mission of ‘Life’

  • The time-space continuum is a program server that is a holographic software that defines the paradigm of reality within which an incarnate body is to ‘thrive,’ as to experiment, experience a set sojourn, and gain knowledge in order to further its consciousness [2].Dimensional Reality and the Time-Space Server revised
  • And, the intent or mission for acquiring consciousness expansion is in concert with the law of entropy production in the cosmos that asserts consciousness creates order and in order to ensure longevity the overall consciousness of the cosmos must increase [11].Positive Entropy Production Rate
  • Note that every soul aspect, as a constituent part of a higher conscious entity [e.g. ‘soul,’ ‘over-soul,’ ‘avatar’ or ‘rishi’, etc.] may be envisioned as a ‘micro system’ within a macro conscious organization and forms the basis for the framework structure of the ‘living’ conscious cosmos.
  • And, the law of conscious expansion [positive entropy production rate] describes the condition that must be maintained in order to effect energetic balance between such a micro system and the overall macro conscious cosmos in order for it to operate properly.
  • When the soul fragments itself into soul aspects it creates a holographic copy of itself containing the exact information regarding the history of its origination and its consequent progression in the cosmos.
  • This is achieved via utilization of the coded language of light that serves as its software vernacular.Light emanates from the Cosmic Heart of Mother
  • The coded information is transferred into the genetic [RNA/DNA] structure of the biological entity that may be accessed at a later time as a result of consciousness awakening [12].Light - activation of 12 rays and DNA strands
  • Note that although such information is gigantic in terms of its volume or capacity, for all practical purposes, the details of this information remain dormant throughout the life of the physical entity.
  • This purposeful ‘amnesia’ is pre-ordained and well planned as to give the new conscious entity the chance for new experimentation in order to acquire unbiased knowledge and experience.
  • It is also true that the biological entity thus formed is only capable of processing a limited amount of information that mainly pertains to its new findings as a result of the new incarnation.
  • The rest remains dormant within the genetic structure of the biological entity.

Intuition and the Art of ‘Being Connected’

  • Apart from the 5 usual sensory perceptions the biological entity is also given an ‘intuitive’ capability by which it can access its vast data bank of knowledge.Intuition
  • And, in order for it to successfully accomplish such a task it must first learn to disengage its active conscious mind that its primary purpose is to decipher and analyze the newly acquired data stored within its ‘active’ memory [13].Mind Chatter revised
  • This often requires invocation of what may be referred to as the ‘sixth sense’ that operates entirely independent of the function of the physical brain that is driven by the binary [yes-no] system of logic [14].
  • In order to be able to access more data stored within one’s genetic structure the natural frequency of the body needs to be uplifted leading to consciousness expansion.
  • And, conscious expansion is triggered by first invoking the intuitive characteristic of the incarnate via self-reflection.
  • This is often achieved through deep meditation.Solitude, Meditation, Self-Reflection
  • The process may first seem to be complicated and even unachievable, however, this notion cannot be any more removed from the truth.
  • Self-reflection, if not abandoned or discontinued as a result of disbelief or doubt, often triggers inspirational endeavors of the mind.
  • The person soon finds himself/herself attuned to the truth emanating from a higher consciousness source.
  • It is like being able to ‘break the ice’ or ‘open a window’ to higher knowledge and consciousness in which the information gets readily ‘poured in’ into the mind seemingly spontaneously and without exerting any efforts.
  • The crux of the matter is that due to self- reflection the natural frequency of the mind/body within the incarnate gets uplifted causing an expansion in its coefficient of consciousness.
  • And, it is this uplift in frequency, which is the entry ticket to the higher realms of consciousness [15].
  • It is not as if you have to travel to another realm or dimension by traversing space or time, it is readily present before us.
  • All it entails is the ability to open a gateway to access it.
  • All the so-called ‘geniuses’ in past and present have come across these gateways and entered the higher realm to access these high consciousness energies, Da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein, are just a few such examples.genius - Einstein - Attunement
  • And, you can do it too.
  • It requires faith and it demands perseverance at first.
  • Doubt and disbelief are the culprits for its negation.
  • Your chakric and endocrine system as may be exemplified by the pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus, and thymus, are very well designed and may be adapted or posed to accomplish this task [16-18].
  • Again, the single most deterrent agent is fear and doubt.

Coming to Decipher the Reality of one’s SELF

  • Believe in the true divine nature of your existence [19].99 percent of you - Spirit and Light
  • Adhere to your ‘angelic’ aspect that lives beyond the holographic matrix of time and space.
  • Abandon disbelief or apathy.
  • ‘Allow’ your divine nature to take its course.
  • Live up to your true energetic and conscious potentials.
  • Remain calm and tranquil in discerning that you are a being of light.
  • Dispense with the illusion that you are nothing beyond your physical body.
  • Start paying attention to your inherent consciousness residing WITHIN and begin to decipher, analyze, and see everything from the point of view your true ‘angelic’ SELF.
  • Disregard your physical vehicle by which you navigate this limited physical realm that is nothing but a holographic matrix enabling you to experiment within in in order to further educate your SELF and evolve.form is an illusion
  • Your physicality is nothing but a ‘form,’ a ‘shell,’ a ‘cloth,’ that you presently shelter your true SELF within.
  • When you achieve your full conscious potential and come to ‘full consciousness,’ you realize that you can create, switch and inhabit different bodies as easy as you change clothes on this physical plane.
  • Although you are endowed with the most sophisticate genetic vessel that is comprised of 12 full DNA and 6 RNA strands, most of which remain dormant in your present condition, you may consciously choose to inhabit a different species, a bipedal lion, reptilian, insectoid, or bird-like body, etc., in the future for the sake of diversity or new experimentation [20].
  • In order to be able to access more data stored within one’s genetic structure the natural frequency of the body needs to be uplifted leading to consciousness expansion.
  • Think of who you really are, where you come from, and where you want to go from here.
  • Recite the fundamental laws of the cosmos and the principles you need to adhere to or ‘live’ by as to ensure your longevity, tranquility, and prosperity in the future.
  • Recall that you are a constituent part of the ALL CONSCIOUS COSMOS.
  • Remember that you are connected to it ALL.
  • Comprehend that your existence is constrained by the same cosmological laws and principles that equally apply to ALL [21].
  • These principles and laws define and ensure the longevity, tranquility, and prosperity of your very existence.
  • Note that as a micro constituent of a vast macro system what ‘binds’ YOU to ALL, and guarantees your equilibrium and stability to function property within the ALL, is a ‘fixative’ or glue that is commonly referred to as ‘unconditional love.’Compassion - Love
  • Its impetus is ingrained in YOU via the gene of ‘compassion’ that describes your inherent characteristic as a unique, privileged, and the superior biological form depicting an angelic embodiment in this galaxy.
  • Learn to, once again, invoke your gene of compassion by deterring from atrophy, and recrystallize your genetic structure [22].
  • It is the way of the expanded conscious cosmos, and in concert with the natural inclination of your existence to thrive and to prosper.

The Distinct Physical and Ethereal Components of Soul

  • A soul, in essence, is an ethereal computer.
  • It consists of at least two separate components.components of soul
  • First is the component that animates the body and gives it consciousness.
  • This component is the most important part of the soul that may be referred to as the ‘primary’ or the ‘consciousness instigator.’
  • The ‘consciousness instigator’ is of pure antimatter that is the principal portion of the soul that animates the body and has a ‘living’ memory of all that the soul has experienced or accomplished in other timelines or lifelines.
  • This is the component that is commonly associated with the SELF ASPECT that is a constituent part of a higher energetic entity that is referred to as the HIGHERSELF, which is the angelic or divine aspect of all sentient earthly humans.
  • The second component is essentially a hard drive that records and keeps track of all sojourns of the soul in myriad of timelines and lifelines that it has experienced.
  • This portion of the soul gets engraved within the genetics [DNA/RNA] structure of the incarnate body [biological or otherwise] a copy of which stays with the body even after death of the body.
  • This component of the soul may be referred to as the ‘secondary,’ ‘the book keeper,’ or ‘the physical component.’
  • The concept of a ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ soul is not new.Egyptian and African tribes and Ka and Ba revised
  • Ancient Egyptians believed that the ‘soul’ is comprised of two separate components, the physical [ka] and the ethereal [ba].
  • The ethereal aspect of soul [ba] was believed to be purely related to consciousness and thus eternal.
  • They believed soul is reborn in the afterlife
  • They believed ka stays in the body while ba leaves the body after death.
  • The inhabitants of the Nile valley believed that each favored person had bestowed upon him at birth, or soon thereafter, a protecting spirit [ka].
  • They thought that this guardian spirit remained with the mortal subject throughout life and passed into the “future estate.”
  • The ka was thought to be a superior spirit by the Egyptians, which desired to guide the mortal soul into the better paths of temporal living; but more especially to influence the fortunes of the human subject in the hereafter.
  • At first, only kings were supposed to have kas, but later all righteous men were believed to possess them.
  • When an Egyptian of this period died, it was expected that his ka would be waiting for him on the other side of the Great River.
  • Many believed that the ka was “an oracle from God in everybody.”
  • Many believed that they were to “spend eternity in gladness of heart in the favor of the God that is in you.”
  • The birth of Amenhotep III is illustrated on the walls of a temple at Luxor: The little prince is depicted on the arm of the Nile God, and near him is another child, in appearance identical with the prince, which is a symbol of that entity which the Egyptians called the ka [spirit].
  • This sculpture was completed in the fifteenth century before Christ.
  • The African tribes also believed in 2 factors: “the spirit of the body” and “the soul.”
  • They believed that only the spirit [soul] is pre-existent [and eternal].
  • They believed that the [body] is not pre-existent [or eternal].
  • The only way that the consciousness of a soul can deteriorate is through evil and mischievous deeds and such frequency dissipation mechanisms as fear, doubt, anxiety, greed, jealousy, false pride, victim consciousness, selfishness, etc.
  • These trends tend to ‘separate’ the soul from the SOURCE leading to accumulation of unresolved negative issues that is referred to as ‘karma.’
  • The physical aspect of soul [ka] is embedded in DNA.
  • It fades as DNA deteriorates.
  • Water is the main cause of DNA deterioration.
  • Quenching [extracting fast] water from the body best preserves the DNA for future use such as cloning.
  • This is the reason why the ancient Egyptians principal organs of the body and dehydrate the remaining body through a fast water extracting process known as quenching.
  • Quenching cools the body fast, depriving it from any water.
  • The soul must be entirely free of its physical aspect before it can incarnate in a new body again
  • It is best to cremate the body and scatter the ashes in water in order to sever any contentiousness as to free up the soul for incarnation again.
  • Ordinarily, it may take as much as 40-50 years before the soul can reincarnate in a new body again.
  • During this process, the body progressively dehydrates slowly leading to deterioration of DNA.
  • It is customarily seen that souls reincarnate in India much sooner, at times almost immediately after the body is incinerated.
  • This is because Hindus practice cremation rather than burial of body in a casket embedded in soil.
  • The physical symbiotic relation with the physical body is two folded.
  • The first initiates during conception, child birth and growth of the body to reach adulthood.
  • This aspect of the symbiotic relation of soul with the physical body involves vitalization and gaining strength in energy.
  • During this process, the body closely interacts with the primary energy layer of aura in order to ensure a steady flow of life energy into the body.
  • And, the young and vital organs of the body, particularly heart and lung aid the process through optimized respiration via inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.
  • The oxygen is utilized in the body to ensure the process of animation [vibration] and the body waste energy is exhaled via CO2.
  • This is why through rapid process of inhaling and exhaling it is possible to vitalize the body to accentuate animation.
  • As a result, the frequency of vibration of body momentarily is raised, thus aiding the process of spiritual attunement during subsequent mediation.
  • The second stage regarding the soul-physical body symbiosis involves ageing, which is a process dissimilar or divergent to vitalization during physical growth.
  • During this process, the vital physical body organs progressively ‘age’ or deteriorate even in the absence of any critical ailment or disease.
  • As a result of ageing of the heart and the respiratory system the heart rate progressively drops leading to imposition of higher blood pressure to compensate for the slowing of the heart rate.
  • And, this occurs differently within dissimilar body structures depending on the inherent vitality, strength, energetic practice of the distinct individuals.
  • On the contrary, the younger is the body, the lower is the blood pressure and the higher is the heart rate of the individual.
  • The overall effect of aging is the dampening of the vibration of the physical vessel which begins to take effect after adult hood [23].
  • Although this varies between distinct individuals, it is predicted that the onset or incipient age lies in the 20’s.
  • This process continues exponentially with slight deterioration of the vibrational frequency of the body at first, and deteriorates more drastically at higher ages.
  • The ending result is what is referred to as the “death,” when the heart completely stops beating.
  • However, rest assured that there is no such thing as death.
  • The soul is eternal and lives forever.
  • Death only signifies departure from a current holographic matrix of reality.
  • And, when “death” occurs, the soul body stops resonating with its surroundings leading to departure of the soul from the body.
  • However, although it appears that the soul has left the body there still exists a connection between the consciousness of the soul [ba] and its physical essence [ka] remaining in the body.
  • And, the soul is not free to venture freely, as may include reincarnation in another body, until its connection with its previous body is totally severed.
  • This occurs as a result of total deterioration of the DNA, which contains vital information regarding the essence of the soul as appears in the Akashic Records.
  • This way, the soul again becomes free of all its affiliations/connection with the previous body.
  • Consciousness persists when body ceases to vibrate beyond “death.”
  • This is what is commonly referred to as immortality.
  • Micro-tubules in brain are comprised of quantum particles that give rise to consciousness.
  • The reader is also referred to explore the role of quantum consciousness particles that render consciousness its quantum characteristic [6].
  • The second component of the soul, the ‘physical component’ also acts as a ‘homing device’ calling ‘home’ the primary component ‘into’ the body whenever it is ordained to do so, to once again, activate the body’s consciousness.
  • Every night that we go to sleep, we lose [physical] consciousness.
  • During such nightly endeavors ‘the primary’ component of the soul, ‘the consciousness instigator,’ often leaves the body and travels within other dimensions of consciousness that establishes our ‘parallel’ and ‘alternate’ sojourns of life.
  • The ‘secondary’ or the ‘physical component’ embedded within the genetic structure of the incarnate body, on the other hand, always stays with the incarnate body.
  • There is a symbiotic relation between the primary and the secondary components of the soul that makes the two seemingly inseparable.
  • And indeed, this is the state of affairs. 

Preparation for Afterlife

  • So, even after physical death, there is a mutual force ‘binding’ the two components of the souls together while the DNA structure of the incarnate body is still intact.
  • However, water is known to degrade the DNA/RNA structure in time.
  • This is the reason why prior to mummification the Egyptians often extracted the internal organs of the body that are capable of absorbing and retaining water from the body.
  • The Egyptians believed that the primary component of the soul [the consciousness instigator] will eventually return to the body in the afterlife, and once again, will animate the body.
  • It was for this reason that they attempted to preserve the body through the mummification process by draining it from blood and other fluids as best as they could thus disallowing any genetic or biological decay to set in, and by drying and preserving the internal organs of the body in separate canobie jars.
  • The author is under the impression that the ancient Egyptians must have been witness to similar rituals or procedures performed by higher conscious beings that either resided on earth or might have been visiting earth at the time.
  • These ‘visitors’ are envisioned to have had an advanced knowledge of the soul and afterlife.
  • Furthermore, the author believes that the ancient Egyptians must have attempted to mimic the undertakings of the these advanced beings in vain without having a clear understanding of the delicacies of the procedures performed that they were witness to, or the higher conscious knowledge that they entailed.
  • It often takes many [earthly] years before the genetic structure of an incarnate body is totally annihilated.
  • It is at this point that the ‘consciousness instigator’ component of the soul becomes ‘free’ of the prior incarnation.
  • And, subsequently, it is then that the soul aspect can ‘move on,’ reincarnating or engaging in other ‘life’ endeavors.
  • An example of the accounts of reincarnations accurately documented and reported on earth indicates that there is often a substantial amount of earthly years past before a soul can reincarnate on earth again.
  • These typically involve at least 40-50 years within our current timeline within this holographic matrix of time and space.
  • The reader is encouraged to review the records regarding the accounts of past reincarnations in the earth history, which are nowadays readily documented on the internet [24].
  • The best source properly cataloging and documenting numerous accounts [in excess of 2500 cases] of reincarnation is that of the works of Dr. Ian Stevenson, Carlson Chair of psychology at the University of Virginia at Chancellorsville.
  • The author has reviewed, summarized, and discussed the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson in a separate manuscript [25].
  • Stevenson [1917-007] was a highly intelligent and accomplished medical doctor [internal medicine], an initial Freudian psychiatrist, dedicated researcher writer who dedicated about 50 years of his life in interviewing individuals from all over the world who claimed they had remembered their past life.
  • He graduated at the top of his class from Macgill University in Canada fulfilling a degree in medicine specializing in internal medicine.
  • He was also a psychiatrist, who shortly came to depose the Freudian ideology of psychiatry in favor of pursuing a career exploring the scientific basis for spirituality.
  • The bulk of his work included carefully interviewing young children ages 3-10 who claimed that they remembered a past life.
  • His work entailed meticulous examining, deciphering, and either conclusively validating or abandoning data pertaining to the numerous account of purported reincarnation that he had gathered through seemingly inexhaustible research and discovery.
  • He labeled his studied cases as either “solved,” meaning he found indisputable verification and proof about the exact details of what had seemingly transpired, or “unsolved,” meaning that certain pieces of puzzles or information could not be readily verified.
  • Although the latter may not have offered conclusive evidence regarding the continuation of life from an alternate past life, the greatest majority of such cases researched did not invalidate his hypothesis regarding reincarnation either.
  • Stevenson believed that regression analysis through hypnosis did not produce clear credible results, as the subject would be prone to suggestions imposed by the hypnotist, giving rise to “fake memories.”
  • He also did not rely on the testimonies of the adults who claimed they remembered their past lives as he believed that memory ‘fades’ with age as a result of contamination of data due to events that my have transpired in the subjects current life.
  • The channeling received from the angelic beings such as Lord Metatron also testifies to the finding that it often takes about 40 years before a soul aspect reincarnated back on earth.
  • It is not clear exactly how long it would take for the DNA/RNA to degrade after the burial of the body.
  • Scientists strive to perform genetic tests on DNA remains of Neanderthal skeletons and such remains from thousands of years ago.
  • With Polymerase Chain Reaction [PCR] only a very small mount of DNA is required for genetic extraction, testing and analysis.
  • And, even very small volumes can be amplified to render sensible results.
  • Although the author is inspired and guided by the very same conclusion that it may take a minimum of 40-50 years before a soul aspect can reincarnate, the exact number of years required before the connection between the ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ components of soul may be severed is of less importance.
  • The important issue is that a soul aspect cannot reincarnate immediately before the remnant DNA/RNA is first annihilated.
  • It may be argued that this is contrary to many other records reported and documented in the literature, when reincarnation has occurred almost instantly after death.
  • However, examination of these records indicate that all these cases involve invariably cremation or incineration of the body after death.
  • Most of these records are reported to have their provenance in India by peoples of the Hindu origin and other countries that practice cremation as opposed to burial of the dead as a religious ritual.
  • Other records almost invariably include cases that death occurred as result of fire due to crashing of planes during the world wars, etc., or as a result of other accidents involving fire and subsequent incineration of the body.
  • Although it s true that DNA does an excellent job of replicating and preserving itself while the body is alive, extreme heat is envisioned to have a devastating results leading to its biochemical disintegration and annihilation in the event of a fire.
  • Fire is seen to even reduce bone to ash.
  • The fundamental effect of extreme heat on DNA/RNA molecules is that the hydrogen bonds holding the double helix together can be severed during extreme heat thus leading to disintegration of the chemical structure of DNA/RNA in the event of fire.
  • Furthermore, the same triggers the breakage of the covalent bonds that bond the atoms together to form complex molecules.
  • Therefore, the DNA/RNA strands are highly delicate structures unlike any there chemical compounds in our body that are prone to disintegration and annihilation in the event of fire.
  • The author suggests that cremation [as opposed to burial] may be an intelligent, viable way to treat the deceased upon physical death.
  • This has the advantage of setting the soul ‘free’ of its past incarnation and providing a practical means for the soul to be able to freely continue on.crem,ation - setting the soul free

Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2016.

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  1. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Physical Death and Afterlife: the Astral Plane, Summerland [Purgatory], and the Onset of Reincarnation or Ascension  Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com. 
  2. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Time-Space Continuum  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  3. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Theory of Everything: Matter – Antimatter  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  4. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness  Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  5. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Soul-Body Vibration  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  6. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,  Further Insights into the Mechanics of Flashing Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  7. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Consciousness [Soul Animation]Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  8. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,  On Quantification of Consciousness  Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  9. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional] Consciousness  Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  10. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi. Ph.D., Life  Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
  11. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., On the Cosmological Laws of Equilibrium and Balance: Soul Entropy and the Law of Entropy Production Rate  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
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  14. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,   Essays on Humanity – Part IV: Emotion-Intuition versus Thought-Logic   Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
  15. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Dimensions of Consciousness   Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  16. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Cosmos and the Human Energetic System  The Human Physiology and Energetic System, wordpress.com
  17. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,  The Human Chakric and Auric System  Human Physiology and Energetic System, wordpress.com
  18. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,  Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part II: The Human Bio-Plasmic (Etheric) Field, Eden magazine, January 2017 
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  20. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,  Introduction to Human Genetics  The Human Physiology and Energetic System, wordpress.com
  21. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamental Laws of Cosmos Inter-relating Consciousness, Constitution [Matter-Antimatter] and Energy  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  22. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,  Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of Ascension Dawn of Ascension, wordpress.com
  23. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi,, Ph.D.,  A Mathematical Model for the Physical Vibration [Animation] of an Ageing Sentient Body  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
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