
A brief review of the true mechanism of vibration of soul and soul aspects has been presented. The inherent divine characteristics of the soul as may be described by a strive for gaining expanded consciousness, intuition, and creationism has been touched upon. The fundamental prerequisites for life and existence as a vibrational entity as may be typified by incarnation, karma, and reincarnation have been explicated. It is, once more, concluded that neither karma nor reincarnation were intended as commonly portrayed within this matrix and continuum of time and space on this present Omni Earth. Finally, it is concluded firmly and resolutely that it is incumbent upon us to clearly awaken our soul aspect through direct intuitive communication with the HIGHERSELF to decipher and ‘remember’ that the vicious cycle of reincarnation is to be broken once for all, culminating in contravention of ‘bondage’ on this continuum of time and space.      


  • We were all once an independently ‘lifeless’ constituent part of an omnipotent SOURCE of pure consciousness that we call the Prime Creator.
  • At a certain point in ethereal time our Prime Creator decided to implode upon itself creating independent constituent parts emanating from WITHIN and form ‘companions’ who would thrive on their own having an autonomous existence.spirit 2
  • These companions were endowed with the gift of ‘Will Power’ to be able to venture ‘out’ experimenting and acquiring personal experiences of their own, deciphering, feeling a sequence of ‘life’ sojourns in myriad of ‘dimensions’ of consciousness that would enlighten them in a fundamental ‘hands on,’ manner [1].
  • The objective of this experimentation were two folded: first to give the offspring the opportunity to appreciate the wisdom of ALL THAT EVER WAS and stored within the Prime Creator, and secondly, to have the offspring to thrive and acquire expanded consciousness that would serve to ‘create’ new things.
  • Thus, the offspring was also endowed with the gift of creationism to compliment the SOURCE.
  • Therefore, by essence or pedigree, we are ALL creative individuals that portray a ‘chip off the old block.’
  • And, although we were set ‘free’ to venture out and experiment, experience, learn, improvise, and ultimately create, we were never forsaken or discarded.
  • In contrast, we maintained an ‘umbilical cord’ form of attachment to the SOURCE, always deflecting [away from the SOURCE to venture out] as well as contracting [towards the SOURCE] again to prosper from the wealth of information contained within the SOURCE, and at the same time, remain intuitively attached to the SOURCE [2].
  • And, indeed, this gift of intuition describes yet another characteristic essence of our existence as a ‘divine’ being. 

Soul Vibration

  • The periodic, repeating cycle of ‘deflection’ and ‘contraction’ constitute the vibrational nature of our existence [3].
  • Initially, the repeated cyclic deflection-contraction endeavors of our existence had a much sparser or longer period of vibration characterized by a wider wavelength.
  • This, in turn, was commensurate with a much lower frequency of vibration depicting a lower state of inherent and acquired consciousness.
  • This is why we commonly use the measure of ‘frequency’ to quantify our extent of consciousness [4].
  • As the offspring ventured out gaining knowledge, it became necessary to have these bits of information recorded within its core.spirit
  • Thus, while ‘spirit’ is the driving force spearheading the process of motivation in order to acquire further knowledge or wisdom, it was essential for the offspring to have a containment, a vessel, or a ‘body’ of its own.Soul - embryo of personality ID revised
  • And, this ‘body’ is what we refer to as the ‘soul,’ whose purpose is to serve as a storage device for the offspring to be capable of recording its findings as well as being able to play back the results as ‘soul memories,’ in order to review, analyze, decode, and interpret its discoveries at a later ‘time’ in the history of its existence [5].soul evolutional career- education
  • Later, the soul came up with the deductive reasoning that it would benefit much more and acquire knowledge much faster if it divided itself into different fragments, each of which having a holographic existence.
  • And, this is what is commonly meant by a hologram: it is a constituent part of the parent, possessing all inherent characteristic of the whole [6].
  • So, each constituent holographic part of the soul was set free to traverse a particular reality, a distinct dimension of consciousness.
  • And, this is what is commonly referred to as a ‘soul aspect.’
  • In order to create the soul aspects it was necessary for the soul to split its consciousness into diverse constituent units each being commensurate with a particular soul aspect.
  • So, all these soul aspects were set in motion to vibrate simultaneously in different continuums of space and time, each being indigenous to a distinct dimensional consciousness [7].
  • This way, the soul became multidimensional, vibrating with a multi degree of freedom [MDOF].
  • And, it is the nature of this MDOF system to vibrate at distinct values [called eigenvalues] of frequencies and with a variety of modes of vibration [called eigenvectors].
  • The mathematics of the MDOF vibrating system is complex, which is commonly referred to as the ‘eigenvalue problem [8].’
  • And, note that this is only true if all the soul aspects are concurrently conscious of the existence of one another.
  • It turns out that it is essential to embed a soul aspect in a physical body to animate due to its inherent low consciousness [9].
  • Furthermore, the soul aspects are usually unaware of one another because of the lower genetic characteristic of the body they reside within.
  • This occurs because the bio or physiological traits of such bodies vibrating in relatively low dimensions of consciousness are such that they are incapable of processing a vast amount of data simultaneously acquired by the multiple soul aspects.
  • The soul aspects acquire their own realities and the information is processed through individual neurological systems [brains] using what is known as the ‘physical conscious’ mind.
  • The author has also referred to this aspect of consciousness as the ‘outer’ or ‘active’ conscious mind in previous publications [10].
  • In contrast, all of the soul aspects are connected via the sub-conscious [or inner or ethereal] mind.
  • And, the vehicle for accessing and utilization of the sub-conscious mind is ‘intuition,’ which is governed by a much more neurological physical biological organ that we called the heart [11].Logic versus Intuition-revised
  • The heart, in turn, works closely with the thymus chakra and its associated endocrine gland by the same name within the physical body [9].Thymus and the Heart 2
  • Note that exciting a multidimensional MDOF soul via resonance is achieved at distinct discrete values [‘eigen’ or ‘only’ values] of natural frequencies with each representing its own mode of vibration [7-8].Holographic multidimensionality 3
  • On the other hand, when each soul aspect is vibrating as a single degree of freedom [SDOF] system, seemingly unaware of the other soul aspects, it will do so at its own inherent value of natural frequency [2].Unconscious Multidimensionality
  • The author has demonstrated that the natural frequency of a soul aspect vibrating linearly as a SDOF system [ωn] can be given by the expression:

ωn = √k/m

  • Where m is the body mass and k is a karmic coefficient referred to by the author as the ‘coefficient of consciousness expansibility.’
  • And, the relevance of karma to consciousness expansion is clear as generally a soul aspect void of karma is predisposed to consciousness expansion [3].
  • Note that while the above expression governs the natural frequency of a soul freely vibration in the cosmos, the natural frequency of an ageing body [as soul aspect] vibrating in a continuum of time and space within a particular dimension of consciousness is envisioned to be less than the natural frequency of a non-ageing entity given above [12].
  • The author has derived an expression for the natural frequency of an ageing body [denoted as ωd], which is given by the expression:

ωd = ωn √[1-ζ2]

  • Where ζ is referred to as the ‘ageing coefficient,’ and we must always have ζ<1 in order for the system response to be oscillatory or vibrational in nature.
  • It may be shown that while a free soul vibrates as a harmonic oscillator undergoing simple harmonic motion [SHM] with its vibrational amplitude never decreasing in time, an ageing soul aspect in contrast vibrates with a wave profile characterized by an amplitude that is constantly decreasing in time.
  • And, it is clear that it is the ageing of the biological body that instigates the response waveform to progressively decay in time.
  • Note in both circumstances, be it a free soul or an ageing soul aspect, we always have the constraint that the entity must deflect infinitesimally from the SOURCE depicting a linear vibrational motion contracting to the SOURCE in due course, thus avoiding excessive accumulation of karma.
  • Otherwise, abusive and extreme accumulation of karma ultimately degrades the coefficient of consciousness expansibility of the soul leading to meniscus natural frequencies of vibration.
  • And, in the event that this occurs [allowed by the soul or soul aspect], the entity eventually seizes to vibrate in time.
  • This depicts a situation that the entity is no longer attached to or guided by the SOURCE.
  • This marks the ‘death’ of the soul in which the soul becomes synthetic not being able to sustain itself in ‘light’ or replenish its vibrational life energies that it needs to be able to perpetuate as a ‘living’ being [13].Life without Light
  • The bible has referred to this as “fallen angels.”
  • And, when this occurs the soul has no alternative but to parasitically feed upon other sentient divine beings.
  • This is the state of vampirism that governs the life of certain reptilian beings, among which are the Draconians.
  • Alternatively, through advent of science and digital manipulation of bits of information it is possible to create soul-less yet sentient or conscious beings that do not originate from the body of the Prime Creator.
  • Examples of such beings often encountered on this Omni Earth are certain Greys and the Archons who have the same vampiric existence.
  • These entities have commonly manipulated the holographic ‘matrix’ of reality for quite some times.Galactics 3
  • In fact, they have turned this Omni Earth into a farm whose product is us as living divine beings.
  • And, presently the machinery of this agrarian mechanism is oiled by the vicious and never-ending cycle of reincarnation by the earth humans.
  • And, to ensure the continuity or longevity of this horrid apparatus functioning indefinitely they are the gate keepers that persuade earth humans to immediately reincarnate upon this Omni Earth without allowing any freedom for the soul that is, indeed, its inalienable right of existence.
  • And, the mechanism by which this is achieved is through misinformation and disinformation regarding the much intended nature of karma.what you believe now is false
  • Therefore, karma is used as an excuse and an instrument of guilt and fear in persuading the souls of earth humans to reincarnate in order to relieve their much accumulated karma.
  • The underlying slogan of propaganda is that the earth humans must go back to get it right this time!
  • Note that although karma and incarnation define the essential ingredient of living existence, reincarnation is not.
  • Therefore, awaken your soul aspect through proper self-reflection and communication with your parent soul, your HIGHERSELF, through allowance and sharpening or recrystallization of your intuitive trait and SAY NO TO REINCARNATION NEXT TIME AROUND. 

Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2016.

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  1. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Dimensions of Consciousness   Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  2. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Consciousness [Soul Animation]Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  3. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
  4. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.,  On Quantification of Consciousness  Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  5. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Etheric Soul, Incarnation, and Preparation for Afterlife  Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
  6. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the MOW, and the Holographic Nature of Time and Space  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  7. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Multidimensional Vibration of Mutually Aware Soul Aspects Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  8. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A General Formulation for Multidimensional Coupled Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  9. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “Mechanics of Soul-Body Interaction,” The Human Physiology and Energetics, wordpress.com
  10. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “A Critical Review of Consciousness,” Multidimensional Consciousness, wordpress.com
  11. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “Intuition Versus Logic,” Spiritual Science 101, wordpress.com
  12. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi,, Ph.D.,  A Mathematical Model for the Physical Vibration [Animation] of an Ageing Sentient Body  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com
  13. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamentals of Dissemination of Light Plasma, Solar Storms, Solar Flares, and Coronal Mass Injections [CME]  Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos, wordpress.com


Re-published in the October 2016 issue of the Eden magazine:



